Coimbatore Institute of Technology was established in the year 1956 and is one ofthe most reputed and prestigious Educational Institution in South India. TheInstitute is backed by world class research and development and attainedautonomous status in 1987 and is affiliated to the Anna University, The Institutehas the services of competent and qualified faculty and visionary management toenhance the quality of education at all levels and maintain its position in theemerging globalization.
There are 7 undergraduate programmes and 11 postgraduate programmes inengineering and 10 research programmes in different disciplines of science andengineering leading to Ph.D degree. All the Departments are well equipped tomeet the needs of the latest technological trends and international standards. TheInstitute functions in collaboration with reputed Colleges and Universities abroadin cutting edge technologies. Experts are invited from various countries to theInstitute for interaction and exchange of expertise. National and Internationalconferences, symposia and workshops in different fields of science, engineeringand technology are being organized regularly to update and keep in step with therapid growth of science and technology.