Advanced Nano materials for Clean Energy Applications
A Joint collaborative project between BergenUniversity College, Norway and
Coimbatore Institute of Technology, India
Project number INCP-2014/10045
With about 16,000 students, the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL) is one of the largest higher education institutions in Norway. Institution offers a broad range of academic programmes at Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD levels.
The ambition of the newly merged institution is to build stronger and more solid academic and research environments who will interact nationally and internationally. The aim is to become a visible actor on the international higher education arena through increased international cooperation and engagement in externally funded projects within education and research.
The partner institutions of this INCP project (CIT and HiB)are actively involved in research in modelling, synthesis, characterization of nano materials for clean energy applications and fabrication of different types of solar cells such as Dye Sensitized Solar Cells, Quantum Dots Sensitized Solar cells, CZTS thin film solar cells and Organic Solar Cells. The main objective of this joint project is to strengthen and expand the existing research collaboration between the partner institutions resulting in close ties in educational activities and increase in student and staff mobility in the field of nanomaterials for clean energy applications. The joint research and educational activities carried out through this project will definitely intend to strengthen the institutional links between the two partner institutions.
Goal 1: Increased mobility of master students, PhD research fellows and academic staff